Heads of state from Bahrain, Egypt, Tunisia, the UAE wrapped up their visits to China, and during an interview with China News Network, Dr. Nadia Helmy, associate professor of political science at Beni Suef University in Egypt, noted Egypt's, as well as the Arab states', emphasis on the relationship with China.
球探网官网电脑版下载日前,巴林国王哈马德、埃及总统塞西、突尼斯总统赛义德、阿联酋总统穆罕默德对中国进行国事访问,引发国际学界关注。埃及贝尼苏夫大学政治与经济学院政治学副教授纳迪亚·希勒米(Nadia Helmy)对埃及总统阿卜杜勒·法塔赫·塞西访华表示关注,她指出,埃及对深化与中国双边关系的重视。
Helmy also said that the important role of China in the international stage has been highlighted. Many Chinese projects in the sectors of infrastructure, energy, education and culture in Arab countries will bring benefits to them. And China has presented many solutions to end the conflict between the Israel and Palestine.
Helmy concluded that all Arab countries have agreed that we should shift to a multi-polar system with fair and just global governance, and deepen civilization exchanges to bring an end to conflicts in the international community.
作者: 乌苏 👪
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