在他看来,现在正是中国日渐成为高科技国家的关键时刻。随着中国转型为全球科技强国,它将在全世界承担起引领与促进共同发展的重任。(记者 吴辛茹)
In his eyes, it is the crucial time for China’s transformation into a technologically advanced country. With China's transformation into a global technology powerhouse, it will take on the important task of leading and promoting common development around the world. (Wu Xinru)窦俊杰,国家金牌导游、京骑文化联合创始人,也是北京市中轴线申遗传播达人,曾主导北京市外语导游讲解规范撰写工作。2024年7月,北京中轴线申遗成功,中国世界遗产总数来到了第59项。
After reform and opening up, China completed the industrialization transformation step by step. In just a few decades, China has become the world's factory. This has not only contributed to China's own rapid development but also benefited the whole world, noted HervéMachenaud, former technical director for EDF, France's state-owned electric utility company.
在北京带团,向众多国外游客介绍中国的这项工作,窦俊杰已经做了24年。2021年开始,他研发的中轴线骑行旅游项目,除了中文,还包括英语、日语、西班牙语、法语、德语等导游语种。直线距离7.8公里的中轴线,15个遗产构成要素,他如数家珍。在北京中轴线上,窦俊杰见证了北京城市风貌、多元认知、文明交流等方面的巨大变化,以及外国游客眼中的中国变化等;当然,还有一些让他从未曾想到、哭笑不得的外国人奇奇怪怪的兴趣点……(记者 让宝奎 北京报道)