In the recent W.E. Talk interview with China News Service, Wang Zhen, professor of the United Front Theory Department at the Central Institute of Socialism, said that in the face of the ecological and environmental crisis, all humankind is a community of destiny that thrives on both prosperity and loss, so only by joining hands and transcending the boundaries of countries, ethnic groups, cultures and ideologies and by promoting the building of a community of destiny for humankind at the level of humankind as a whole can we effectively respond to the global environmental problems.
She also emphasized that China is walking hard but with no regrets on the road to building an ecological civilization. From 2000 to 2017, one quarter of the increase in the global green leaf area came from China, ranking first in the world in terms of contribution. (Peng Dawei, Wu Jiaju)
安博体育手机版登录近日,中央社院统战理论教研部教授王珍在中新社“东西问·中外对话”中表示,面对生态环境危机,全人类是一荣俱荣、一损俱损的命运共同体,唯有携手合作,超越国家、民族、文化、意识形态界限,站在全人类高度,推动构建人类命运共同体,才能有效应对全球性环境问题。中国在生态文明建设之路上,走得很辛苦,但也义无反顾。有数据显示,2000年到2017年,全球新增绿化面积中约1/4来自中国,贡献比例居全球首位。(彭大伟 吴家驹)
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